3. Weeds, totally down hill.
4. Ben Stiller movies.
5. Boy bands.
Jonas Brothers, I do not sweat you.
6. Robert Downey Jr.
Uuuh that freakin' mustache!
And let me be clear. These were things that I really enjoyed. Now it's like a world with no laughter. No more repetitive choruses with just a liiiiittle bit of mid-drift showing, and I'm talking about N'Sync not Britney.
On second thought, the Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus do offer the same kinds of things as 1999 era Britney Spears and I guess the reason I'm not interested is their age. Which should be a red flag. Celebrities are getting younger and younger. Hasn't everyone heard about that 12-year old who blogs?
Instead of eating our young we're going to be eaten by our young. I'm scared.